One-to-One Conversations
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Enter the information for the individual you had a one-to-one conversation with.
Format of Conversation (select one) Note: E-mails are not considered a 1-to-1.
Please select...
1:1 In-Person
1:1 Phone
1:1 Video Call
Small Group In-Person
Small Group Video
If Other Type of Conversation, Please Explain
Was this One-to-One Conversation with an Individual or a Group?
Group (2 or more)
First Name:
Last Name:
List Names and Information, if known (Cell/E-Mail/Position) of Group One-to-One Conversations (Separate each individual and data known on a separte line.)
Cell Phone:
E-Mail (Personal)
E-Mail (Work)
What part of the conversation stood out to you?
What issue(s) did this person identify in this conversation?
Would you describe this person as a natural leader?
Who did this person identify as a natural leader? (Please use the most accurate spelling possible.)
Assessment of Membership (select one):
Plans on Joining
Undecided on Membership
Leader and/or Activist Potential (must be a member)
Anti-Union/Will Not Become Member
If haven't joined our Association yet, what is holding them back?
What is your follow-up plan with this person?